Stone Nancy

Information card of Establishment and lawyer "Stone Nancy" at 9416 Olde Town Court, Manassas, VA 20110. Here you will find information about the company, its address and phone number, work hours and customer testimonials.


Phone number:
+1 703-369-7063

9416 Olde Town Court, Manassas, VA 20110
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Establishment   Lawyer  

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  • Lynn Sadler
    Aug, 17 2018
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Nancy Stone was an appointed attorney for my father. She was unprofessional and dispassionate for my father. She bullied me and my father. She screamed at me in my home and threatened to beat my ass outside the court room. She testified that I had prolonged the case that another family member had against my father which was a complete lie. She interviewed my father, we were in court August and September and I did not see that woman again until the hearing where family member was withdrawing this case. My father passed 3 competency tests, 2 of which were done before my father and I ever met with her. She billed my father $2100.00 and then asked for back interest which made his total bill almost $5000.00. I never received an itemized list of how she earned this money she extorted from my father. My father is living on social security and this evil lawyer is taking money from his mouth every month. I still to this day, have no idea what "services" she provided for my father. She does not have to disclose this to me or my father. At the final hearing where the case was withdrawn, she was sitting with the family members who were suing my father to take his rights away from him. If she is ever appointed as a guardian ad litem, do anything you have to do to not let her be involved in your case. I wouldn't hire this woman to scrub my toilets let alone represent my family member.
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